Tuesday 28 May 2019


Rhodolite describes a rose-red form of Garnet that has a lighter tone and more purplish color than typical Garnet gemstones. It is usually an intermediary variety between the Pyrope and Almandine series, usually containing more magnesium than iron in its chemical structure, thus leaning closer towards Pyrope. It is often regarded as a variety of Pyrope.

Chemical Formula(Mg,Fe)3Al2Si3O12
ColorRed, Purple
Hardness7Â -Â 7.5
Crystal SystemIsometric
Refractive Index1.770Â -Â 1.820
SG3.9Â -Â 4.3
TransparencyTransparent to translucent
Double RefractionNone
CleavageNone. May exhibit parting.
Mineral ClassGarnet (Pyrope)

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