Tuesday, 28 May 2019


is a mineral that includes several gem varieties. The most important and well-known is Tanzanite, a sensational blue gemstone. The variety Thulite is used as a minor pink gemstone. A variety known as Ruby Zoisite, which is green Zoisite associated with opaque red Ruby (and often black amphibole streaks), is used as a carving gemstone as well as a minor gem. The term Zoisite is rarely used on its own in the gemstone trade.Tanzanite and Thulite each have their own dedicated page. 

Chemical FormulaCa2Al3(SiO4)3(OH)
ColorBlue, Red, Green, Pink, Purple
Hardness6Â -Â 6.5
Crystal SystemOrthorhombic
Refractive Index1.69Â -Â 1.70
SG3.2Â -Â 3.4
TransparencyOpaque. May be translucent in thin backlit sections.
Double Refraction.009
Mineral ClassZoisite

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