Tuesday 28 May 2019


is a common mineral, and its typical habit is in opaque and uninteresting forms. However, several unique localities provide gemmy transparent forms of this mineral, which make a rare and pretty gem. However, despite its lovely colors, Scapolite has been limited from becoming a more mainstream gemstone due to its relatively low hardness.

Chemical Formula(Na,Ca)4(Al,Si)3Si6O24)(Cl,CO3)
ColorWhite, Colorless, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple
Hardness5Â -Â 6
Crystal SystemTetragonal
Refractive Index1.54Â -Â 1.58
SG2.5Â -Â 2.8
TransparencyTransparent to opaque
Double Refraction-0.006 to -0.0037
Mineral ClassScapolite (Marialite / Meionite)

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